Sep. 162010
ACI Amicale Citroen Internationale
ACI Amicale Citroen Internationale

ACI Amicale Citroen Internationale

(english text below) Auf Anfrage von ACI-Kollegen aus dem Ausland werden mit sofortiger Wirkung die Nachrichten und Infos der deutschen ACI auch an das internationale Netzwerk weitergegeben.

Damit erhalten auch die benachbarten Staaten und unsere Ansprechpartner weltweit einen Einblick in die ACI-D-Aktivitäten.

Darüber hinaus hilft dies den Clubs, über das deutsche ACI-Netz auch Ansprechpartner und Infos weltweit zu verteilen, z.B. auf Veranstaltungen hinzuweisen, nach Ersatzteilen oder -Nachfertigungen zu suchen etc.

Wir bitten daher die Clubs bzw. laden diese ein, von dieser Methode der Info-Verteilung Gebrauch zu machen!

Euer ACI-D-Team.



Because we received some requests from the international ACI Delegate network to stay informed about activities ongoing in Germany, we now have included the international Delegate email distribution list into the German ACI news submissions.

This way, all Delegates worldwide get an idea about ongoing activities and club works within Germany.

Additionally, this can support the clubs in using the ACI networks for strengthening their club collaboration, be it to talk about attractive events or fairs, looking for spare parts or refabrication of those etc.

We also invite the international Delegates and clubs to use these means to communicate and spread news and insights about the club works world-wide from and towards Germany. Additionally, you can reach the German ACI Delegates by email, of course.

Best Regards,

The ACI Germany Team.

PS: Not every blog entry will be English spoken though… In case you need some translation support, you might want to use web based translation services such as eg.

PPS: We hope that you like this info flow. In case this you’d like to unsubscribe from the list, please contact the German ACI Delegates directly. In case your ACI involvement ends (i.e. no Delegate any longer), you’d be automatically unsubscribed.

 Posted by Stephan Joest - Amicale Citroën & DS Deutschland  Tagged with: , ,