Hier ein Beitrag in eigener Sache:
Der Mitbegründer der internationalen und deutschen ACI, Stephan Joest, hat seine Vorstandsarbeit mit der diesjährigen Jahreshauptversammlung 2011 der ACI beendet und wurde zum Ehrenmitglied der ACI („Honorary Member of ACI“) ernannt. Neben dem ehemaligen Generaldirektor von Automobiles Citroën, CEO Claude Satinet sowie den ACI-Gründervätern David Conway, Jean-Francois Ruchaud und Herman Sluiter wurde er für seine Verdienste um die Amicale Citroën Internationale gewürdigt.
Der Wortlaut der Würdigung international:
We are pleased to confirm Stephan Joest has accepted the Board’s invitation to become an Honorary Member of the ACI. He joins four existing Honorary Members, Claude Satinet, David Conway, Jean-Francois Ruchaud and Herman Sluiter.
Over the last 20 years Stephan has worked tirelessly to create a visual awareness of the ACI to the Citroen community. He took responsibility for ACI Marketing & Communications during his term of office and amongst other things, singlehanded, created and maintained the ACI website. As a key figure in the German ACI he has also regularly kept all ACI Delegates updated with any matters from this market that might possibly be of interest to those outside Germany.
On behalf of the ACI, the Board thanks Stephan for all he has done to help make the Organisation as strong as it is today. His considerable effort to date will continue to be appreciated – particularly by all who visit the website. Stephan will remain a delegate for Germany and we hope it will not be too long before he once again has time to contribute to the ongoing success of the ACI in his new role as Honorary Member. In the meantime we wish him luck with his work with the German ACI and hope he may now find a little more time to indulge his passion for the Ami 6.
Weitere Infos zu seiner Person und der Organisation hier: