Die diesjährige VETERAMA in Mannheim steht am 08. + 09. Oktober 2011 ganz unter dem Motto „Frankreich“. Das gibt uns die Möglichkeit, ca. 10 bis 15 Fahrzeuge auf dem Marktgelände auszustellen. Wer hier seinen Oldtimer abstellt (evt. auch anbietet…) erhält neben einem freien Parkplatz auch eine Freikarte für den Tag, an dem er ausstellt.
Die Koordination der Stellplätze erfolgt über den Citroen Veteranen Club von Deutschland e.V. (CVC), frei nach dem Motto „wer zuerst kommt…“ Bitte meldet euch direkt bei
Hans-Joachim Bethge, email: Hans-Joachim.Bethge@t-online.de
Die Veterama-Homepage:
www.veterama.de (mehrsprachig, auch english, französisch etc.)
Vielen Dank!
Veterama 2011: „Frankreich“
Not sure everybody knows about the „Veterama“, Europe’s biggest market for vintage cars and motorbikes, which will take place October 8+9 this year in Mannheim (south of Frankfurt, roughly speaking).
In the center of interest this year will be „France“, i.e. there will be room for 10-12 cars being presented and clubs supporting the different models. In case clubs are interested to show off, please contact Hans-Joachim Bethge from „Citroen Veteranen Club of Deutschland“, email: Hans-Joachim.Bethge@t-online.de
To quote from the Veterama website:
Classic, antique and vintage vehicles – Spare parts and accessories
He who used to fear, years ago, that the passion for classic cars would soon get up in years just as some of their enthusiasts, can breathe a sigh of relief, since more and more young people are attracted to the “rustiest hobby in the world” thanks to the scene of young classic cars, meaning vehicles that were built less than 30 years ago.
In addition to this, it really seems that the 125th anniversary of the automobile gave a further boost to this evolution.
VETERAMA manager Julia Seidel states: “The VETERAMA market in Mannheim has never been fully booked as early as this year. By July all free places were taken.”
It is striking that spare parts for young classics are still offered at incredibly affordable prices. It is recommended to buy the parts now and stock them until required.
Especially for starters it is crucial to find the right vehicle at the very right moment. For this, there is no better opportunity than the “VETERAMA market place”, where more than 500 complete vehicles will be presented and sold at really affordable prices. In case any spare parts should be necessary, there will be about 4,500 stands on the vast VETERAMA area where they all can be found.
VETERAMA offers even more attractions: Every year a special club is being presented – the club we picked out for this year will be revealed in our next press information.
Like last year, you can buy your VETERAMA ticket online in order to avoid long waiting queues at the ticket office and to make sure that you can spend as much time as possible hunting your favourite bargains.
Well then, see you at the VETERAMA in Mannheim, the cradle of the automobile.”
see also www.veterama.de for more details (also in English, French etc.)