Feb 102011

Natürlich wird auch im Ursprungsland des Citroën Ami das goldene Jubiläum – 50 Jahre Citroën Ami – gefeiert. Didier Vilaire, Präsident des französischen “Ami Club de France”, lädt die Citroënisten ein, am Wochenende des 23+24. Juli 2011 in Bazouges-sur-le-Loir (Dept Sarthe, 72, zwischen Le Mans und Angers) das “Cinquantenaire” zu feiern.

Bis Ende Februar kann man sich beim Club für einen Preis von 15,- Euro anmelden, danach kostet die Teilnahme 20,- Euro. Anmeldung über die Clubseite, sowie weitere Details unten.

In diesem Zusammenhang noch einmal die Bitte an die deutschen Citroën -Clubs, Werbung für unser nationales Event zu machen – 50 Jahre Citroën Ami wird gefeiert im Technik-Museum Speyer zwischen Pfingsten 2011 und Mitte Oktober 2011 mit einer einmaligen Sonderausstellung zum Thema. Und wir suchen noch weiterhin Ami für die Ausstellung! Wer will seinen Ami in Speyer präsentieren? Weitere Details auf https://amicale-citroen.de/ und natürlich http://50jahre.ami6.de/


We have received the following info by the Ami Club de France for their national Ami festival, 23+24. July 2011:

We organize a large gathering of Citroën Ami and other old Citroen on 23 and 24 July between Le Mans and Angers for the jubilee of the Ami 6 just after the Tour de France Ami 6. You’ll find the attached program.

Sincerely yours


The Golden Jubilee of the Ami 6

After the France Tour that travels from Rennes – Citroën factory la Janais – Friday, July 8, 2011 to arrive at Le Mans on Friday, July 22, the Ami 6, 8, Super and others Citroën will come in the South of the Sarthe department. This is in effect Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 July 2011 that a big rally meet Ami and other citroënistes enthusiasts in the South of the Sarthe department in Bazouges-sur-le-Loir.

During this weekend, many animations are planned.

Richard fill which offers a real Station-Service 1960s revival will be day. It is live, like at this time, while per litre of gasoline was not even 1 new franc! Realism, nostalgia and joie de vivre for the happiness of large and small visitors. Everyone can with his old car come do a full virtual and take a souvenir of the event in the form of a photograph.

Others may visit the Museum which reconstitutes the inside of a garage at the time. Several exhibitions and permanent animations will be proposed:

The Ami range with prototypes C60 and M35 and different engines equipped Ami 6; swatches the body and head office to the tissues. Rare models of this car will be present as an Ami 6 of 1961.

Ancient and recent high-end Citroën models will be exposed so that everyone is able to assess the evolution of the brand cars.

The history of this model will trace allocation to a slide and several films. Toy and miniature Ami 6 will be presented.

Visitors will have leisure to a baptism in Ami 6 route varied after having intensively in terroir offering various regional gastronomic specialities market.

They can interact with Jacques-Victor Mornai, large traveler that travelled the Australia Africa and South America with his Ami 8 Phaco Dundee.

Renault 4 presented the same year as the Citroën Ami 6 will be exposed to the latter for a comparative objective (?)

Elders of Citroën come talk about their work to the mark during the 1960s.

An exhibition tracing the steps a total restore an Ami 6 1964 with finished car will be judging the exceptional work of Franck Chailloux.

On Saturday evening, Nantes group Ami 6 will be hosting the evening after the buffet which will bring together all citroënistes.

A competition disassembling and Re-assembling of a front will Ami 6 be straining voluntary competitors expertise while children can have fun through various animations and an inflatable structure.
A snack bar, finally, will allow cool gullets of everyone.
This will be assisted by official Citroen.

The admission price is 15 euros per crew until 28 February 2011 and 20 euros beyond this date.

Informations and registrations by mail (50ans@amiclubdefrance.net or Amiclub de France • 36 rue Fleury • 72000 Le Mans • France •  +33 677 971 594.