Die ACI-AGM-Highlights:
President’s report 2010, Treasurer’s report and budget for 2011, Report from CitroënStory (Event Of The Year 2010), The Traction Avant 75 hours for 75 years meeting in Arras (Event Of The Year 2009), Reports and questions from the Delegates/ proposals from the Board on Communications, Signing of Partnership and Funding Agreement between Citroen and ACI, Upcoming Events: 2011: 2CV World Meeting in Salbris, France (Event Of The Year 2011); 2012: 15th ICCCR in Yorkshire, England (Event Of The Year 2012); 2013: 20th World Meeting of 2CV Friends – in Spain…?, News report from Citroën – Denis Huille; Questions and comments from Honorary Members; General session – questions and answers; Election of the Board for 2011. Als zusätzliche Info findet sich im Newsletter die Ernennung des neuen internationalen ACI-Ehrenmitglieds / new ACI Honorary Member Stephan Joest.
Hier die Wahlergebnisse der geheimen Vorstandswahlen: von 32 gültigen Stimmen entfielen auf (the ACI Board Election secret ballot voting results are as follows, 32 votes were valid)
Henrik Almquist (Treasury): 26 (81%)Walter Homberger (Events): 30 (93%)
John McCulloch (Vice President): 27 (84%)
Jens Møller Nicolaisen (Secretary): 27 (84%)
Didier Parjadis (President): 19 (59%)
Bernie Shaw (Events): 28 (87%)
Die Veranstaltung fand zum ersten Mal im sehr repräsentativen Gebäude des Citroën Racing Teams statt, das im Südwesten von Paris in Satory/Versailles seinen Entwicklungssitz hat. Auf dem unmittelbar benachbarten Rennkurs und Testgelände von Satory werden die WRC-Rallye-Fahrzeuge den Testrunden unterzogen, bevor sie für den Einsatz in den WRC-Rennen weiter vorbereitet werden.
This was the first time that the ACI AGM took place at the Citroën Racing location southwest of Paris in Satory/Versailles. This is the place where the WRC cars are being made which are tested right next to the highly atmospheric building, and where the final preparations are being made eg. for the current DS3 WRC cars before they join the prestigious international rallyes…!
Hier der Download Besprechungsprotokoll / Minutes of Meeting, ACI AGM