(English below) Alle 4 Jahre treffen sich die Citroën-Fans aller Baureihen und Modelle weltweit – das ICCCR („International Citroën Car Club Rallye“) ist der mit Spannung erwartete Event, dem alle Citroënthusiasten entgegen fiebern. Im kommenden Jahr findet es bekanntermassen in Yorkshire statt.
Wir freuen uns, Mick Popka und die Kollegen vom Orga-Team auch im nächsten Jahr als Gast auf der Technoclassica 2012 (21.-25.3.2012) in Essen willkommen zu dürfen, der Gemeinschaftsstand der großen deutschen Citroën-Clubs, die „Citroën-Strasse“ freut sich schon heute auf ein ganz besonderes Special, das wir an dieser Stelle allerdings noch nicht verraten wollen… (Separater Artikel hierzu bald online auf www.amicale-citroen.de ).
Von Mick Popka, der zugleich Webmaster der Event-Website www.icccr2012.org.uk ist, haben wir die neuesten Infos erhalten, die wir hiermit an die Clubs und ihre Mitglieder weiterreichen (siehe unten, englischer Text). Wer sich noch nicht für 2012 angemeldet hat, sollte dies alsbald tun – dies hilft auch den Organisatoren, einige der vorab fälligen Kosten etwas abzufedern – vielen Dank!
Every four years, the global community of thousands of Citroën enthusiasts celebrates a world meeting of all kinds of Citroën models. This event, known as the ICCCR („International Citroën Car Club Rally“) will take place next year in Yorkshire where thousands of Citroën lovers will meet and celebrate several days – an amazing and exciting event which will be kept in mind for decades to come.
The German Citroën car clubs are also happy to welcome Mick Popka, webmaster of the ICCCR web site www.icccr2012.org.uk and his fellows to show off at world’s biggest vintage car show, the Technoclassica 2012 in Essen (21-25 March 2012). We plan for an interesting and exciting presentation of the upcoming ICCCR amongst the German Citroën car clubs which will present their activities and club life on the „Citroën-Strasse“ 400 sq.m. booth. Stay tuned to hear latest news on this website www.amicale-citroen.de!
Mick shared the latest update from the ICCCR project with us – see report below. The figures are stunning and being almost one year ahead of the event, many people already took the opportunity to register for the event. If you haven’t done so yet, please consider joining soon – it also helps the orga team to cover a few of the upfront costs. Thank you!
ICCCR 2012 Update Report
Advance Booking
On 31st March 2011 the advance rate for the full event was raised from £50 to £70 for car and driver. The price increase brought in a boost in the number of bookings and this has been further strengthened by bookings taken throughout 2011 at Retromobile (Paris), The Antwerp Classic Salon (Belgium), Technoclassica (Germany) and the 2CV World Meeting in France.
The 2012 team will be manning a stand to give information, take bookings and attract more attendees to the ICCCR. We need your assistance to help us “man the stand” at these events. Please contact Mick Popka if you are interested.
Current Bookings (as at 18-NOV-11) are: 787 Vehicles, 1,590 Participants.
The special discount rate of £50/£10 (Driver & Car/Passenger) was increased to £70/£10 at the end of March 2011. The price increase was delayed by 3 months following the announcement of the change of location and date. This price will be held until 31-JAN-12 when it will be reviewed.
The price is expected to be £90/£15. Further price rises will be considered as we see how the volume of bookings matches our planned expenditure.
Day ticket prices will not be announced until June or July when we have a clear view of the overall cost model
2CVGB News, The Citroënian and FP (Floating Power) will continue to publish details of the advance booking rates.
Branded Goods
The range of branded goods available from the E-Store has been expanded from printed T-Shirts to include printed hooded sweat shirts, embroidered polo shirts and a full range of embroidered garments.
Over 100 garments have been sold to date. Plans are underway to introduce other branded items including grille badges, umbrellas, back packs etc.
ICCCR Website
Development work has been completed on the provision of an on-line booking form for tickets, trade stand booking and branded goods.
The website has been redesigned and re-launched to emphasise the brand and give easy access to information. The translation of pages to French, German and Italian is commencing.
Over the past 12 months the Website has had over 110,000 visits.
Event Site
The change of site which was announced in January 2011 from Pickering to Harrogate has had a minimal impact on bookings with only 3 cancellations. Site visits have been held on a bi-monthly basis for anyone to attend and the feedback from visitors has been very positive. The site has space, infrastructure and security. The camping area is flat and the proximity to Harrogate ensures that visitors are not “stuck in the middle of nowhere”.
Throughout the year volunteers have been stepping forward to fill the key roles. These include Site mapping, Entertainments, Sponsorship, PR, Catering and childcare. We still have roles to fill and if you are unable to commit to a main role we would be grateful if you would consider spending a few hours at the event marshalling or assisting with other volunteers. If you are interested, please email Mick Popka.
National/International Events
Bookings were and will be taken at the following events:
– TOC AGM (November)
– Retromobile, Paris (February 2012)
– Antwerp “Salon” (March 2012)
– Reims, France (March 2012)
– Technoclassica, Essen (March 2012)
– Citromobile, Amsterdam (May 2012)
We need volunteers to assist us with “stand duty” at the international events – if you “fancy a change” to visiting UK events your assistance is welcome, again, please contact Mick Popka.
Due to the strength of advance bookings there has been no needto “draw down” on the facilities that have been arranged with the 3 sponsoring clubs. Funding from Citroen will not be provided until April 2012, at the earliest, however we are confident that our accumulated reserves form ticket and branded goods sales will meet the planned expenditure.
End of ICCCR2012 Report